Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Age: 0

Status: Has been rehomed

Hi my name is Bootz, I think i was called that because I have four white paws. I was brought here due to a change in my owners circumstances.Very clean dog but.I am really really scared only trusting Ena & Janet at the moment.Men scare the living daylights out of me as do other dogs, I don't think I have been socialized very much. Ena says she will take me out with one of her own dogs or Stig as they won't bother me. I do hope I get over it as I was watching Suki / Alfie and Katy all playing together today it looks great fun, maybe someday that will be me too.
Love Bootz xx

Thanks for looking,
Bootz signed by Bootz
